

The Faculty of Land and Food Systems is home to a diverse set of research groups linked by a common objective: to identify the essential elements of sustainable food systems and to strive to develop, implement and validate solutions for the critical problems affecting our local and global food supply chains — and the people who depend on them.

Our Areas of Strength

Our research expertise falls into three areas of core strength:

  • Sustainable agriculture is the production of food, plant or animal products using economically viable farming techniques that enhance the environment, public health, human communities and animal welfare.
  • Food safety and quality are important components of a sustainable food system. High food quality leads to greater organoleptic and nutritional standards that will in turn result in reduced product deterioration and defects. Food safety is secured by enhancing screening for foodborne pathogens and chemical contaminants.
  • Food, nutrition and health are intrinsically connected: safe and nutritious food is a foundation for health and wellbeing.

Our researchers have attracted millions of dollars in research funding from sources like the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), the Michael Smith Foundation Scholar Program, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, the BC Ministry of Agriculture, the BC Investment Agriculture Foundation and Genome Canada (see research metrics above).

We conduct leading-edge research in areas that include:

  • Addressing climate change and resilient food systems;
  • Ending hunger and improving food security;
  • Enhancing regional agriculture for sustainable cities;
  • Promoting nutrition and wellbeing for healthier communities;
  • Ensuring the health and welfare of animals in society.

In addition, our faculty members publish leading research to support transformative learning experiences for students.

Recent Research Publications

We invite you to learn more about the active research program in LFS. Download a list journal publications from our faculty members. They are organized by the LFS research priority areas.

Do you need help with a research proposal?

LFS Research Support offers support for faculty members in all LFS departments and units in applying for research grants and awards. We provide services that support the full life cycle of proposal development.