David Fraser Appointed to National Farmed Animal Council


David Fraser Appointed to National Farmed Animal Council

Oct 7, 2015

Congratulations to Dr. David Fraser (Applied Animal Biology/Animal Welfare Program) who has been acclaimed as an industry representative to the National Farmed Animal Health and Welfare (NFAHW) Council.

From the official announcement:

Dr. Fraser continues to add tremendous value to the Council as one of the pioneers of the field of animal welfare science which involves applying scientific research to understanding and improving the welfare of animals. He is a renowned international expert in animal welfare, with a career spanning over 40 years in agriculture and animal welfare. He has served on the NFAHW Council since its inception, contributing valuable visionary guidance to farmed animal health and welfare policy in Canada.

The National Farmed Animal Health and Welfare Council is a sub-committee of the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Regulatory ADMs of Agriculture Committee. Members of Council focus on enhancing Canada’s animal health and welfare system and are nonrepresentational in discussion. The Council is a forum where an understanding of authorities and concerns of government and industry stakeholders can be built.