Mission IMPULSEible 2016


Mission IMPULSEible 2016

Mar 30, 2016

Mission ImPULSEible is a food development contest where students are challenged to create an innovative and healthy new food product utilizing pulses as ingredients. The team also competed in the 2016 CIFST National Mission ImPULSEible competition, held in Vancouver, in February. A panel of judges evaluated these new food products based on aspects such as creative usage of the pulses, marketability, and overall health and sensory characteristics.

The LFS undergraduate team represented BC with their product called “cocoaPEA2.” With the slogan of “happeaness is just a bite away,” this product is a vegan, gluten-free and nut-free fudge bar made with lentils and chickpeas. It is low in saturated fats and high in fibre and protein. The team experimented with various ideas – including breakfast bars that were Japanese yuzu, purple yam, and matcha red bean flavoured– before deciding to go with a fudge product that people could incorporate into their diets as a healthy dessert.

“It was a great experience to connect with food science/nutrition students and culinary students from across the world, as well as connect with professionals in the food industry,” explains Olivia. “The Pulse Canada staff showed genuine interest in our products and gave us valuable advice about school and work.”

“We gained a lot of valuable experiences from working together in a team to meet deadlines, make all of our ideas fit, and the numerous times we had to recreate our product from scratch,” says April. “Overall, it was very fun meeting everyone at the competition and I’m very proud of our accomplishments.”