President Gupta Visits the Dairy Education and Research Centre


President Gupta Visits the Dairy Education and Research Centre

Jun 22, 2015

The UBC Dairy Education and Research Centre receives about 3,000 visitors each year, but on June 18, 2015, a special visitor arrived for a tour. UBC President Arvind Gupta made a trip to Agassiz to see the Dairy Centre’s teaching and research facilities. He spoke with 20 undergraduate and graduate students as well as with faculty members about what they’re studying. The President also toured the new student residences that are set to open later this summer.

The UBC Dairy Education and Research Centre is well-known internationally as a leading dairy cattle research facility. It is approximately 150,000 square feet and houses about 500 dairy cattle. Besides being a research facility for students and others, the Centre is operated as a modern dairy farm which enhances the relevance of its work to the Canadian dairy industry. The Centre offers various activities and workshops to the public. Recently, it was named as one of three finalists for the 2015 Dairy Farm Sustainability Award to be presented by the Dairy Farmers of Canada this July.