Amelia MacRae

Amelia MacRae


PhD Applied Animal Biology, University of British Columbia

MSc Animal Science, University of British Columbia

BSc Global Resource Systems, University of British Columbia

BA English, University of Victoria

APBI 414: Animals and Global Issues

APBI 316: Equine Biology, Health and Welfare

APBI 314: Animals and Society

LFS 150: Scholarly Writing and Argumentation in Land and Food Systems

MacRae, AM., McGreevy, P., Daros, R.R., and Fraser, D. 2021. Can surface eye temperature be used to indicate a stress response in seals (Phoca vitulina). Animal Welfare 30: 91-100.

Dai, F., Leach, M., MacRae, A.M., Minero, M., and Dalla Costa, E. 2020. Does Thirty-Minute Standardised Training Improve the Inter-Observer Reliability of the Horse Grimace Scale (HGS)? A Case Study. Animals 10:781.

MacRae, A.M., Makowska, I.J., and Fraser, D. 2018. Initial evaluation of facial expressions and behaviours of harbour seal pups (Phoca vitulina) in response to tagging and microchipping. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 205: 167-274

MacRae, A.M., Fraser, D., and Haulena, M. 2012. The provision of supplementary heat for hand-raised harbour seal pups (Phoca vitulina). Journal of Wildlife Rehabilitation 32: 7-11.

MacRae, A.M., Fraser, D., and Haulena, M. 2011. The effect of diet and feeding level on survival and weight gain of hand-raised harbour seal pups (Phoca vitulina). Zoo Biology 30: 532-541

Fraser, D. and MacRae, A.M. 2011. Four types of activities that affect animals: implications for animal welfare science and animal ethics philosophy. Animal Welfare 20: 581-590.