Student Spotlight: Vivian Li

Student Spotlight: Vivian Li

Vivian Li

What has been the best part of your university experience and your student life in LFS?

The people I’ve met, and all the moments and experiences I’ve shared with them. It’s really the culmination of all the little moments over the years — the inside jokes, the sense of pride after executing a successful event, or the excitement of welcoming new students to the campus on Imagine Day. These are just some of the good memories I’ll take away from my time at UBC.

How are you involved outside of your academics at UBC?

I have loved seeking a variety of involvements outside of my academics — in the past year, I have served as the LFS Student Senator, been on the UBC Student Leadership Conference planning team, and supported the LFS Mentorship Program as a Work Learn student.

I met so many friends through my different involvements and I’ve had such a great time supporting and building community in LFS. I really value the skills and experiences I’ve gained through my involvements, and consider them just as important as my academics!

As you approach graduation this Spring, what advice would you give to new students about how to build community at LFS?

For me, the hardest part was finding community and meeting others as a new student. My best piece of advice would be to keep an open mind to new opportunities no matter how scary they seem, and that it’s never too late to meet others and get involved! Utilize the different programs and resources available to you, and go from there.

How have LFS staff or faculty influenced your road to your potential career?

Big shout-out to the LFS Student Engagement Officer, Thilini Leitan, and the LFS Career Strategist, Rob Kim. The programming and resources they provide for LFS students, and the conversations I’ve had with them have had such an impact on me and have shaped my career directions.

Working in student affairs was definitely something I had never considered, but as I got more involved and began working closely with them both, I realized this was something I wanted to pursue for a career. I am very appreciative for all the support they provide students in the Faculty.

What excites you about becoming a member of the UBC LFS alumni community?

Knowing that even though I’ve graduated and am no longer a student, there are still many ways for me to stay connected with the Faculty. It’s reassuring to see the resources and programming both the Faculty and alumniUBC provide, whether it’s with the new LFS Young Alumni Council or coming back to the LFS Mentorship Program as a mentor.

And finally, what is your favorite place on campus to relax or study?

Hands down The Pod, which is the LFS Undergraduate Society lounge. I don’t get much studying done in there, but you can definitely bet that I am constantly taking a nap on the couches. I do my best work when I am well rested!